Dear FLUX Delta users, welcome to the installation guide for the upgrade kit.
Get yourself ready from some hard work! Let's do this!
Please note that you don't have to do all the upgrades, it is totally up to you.
1. Extruder Kit
Enhance the extruding performance, supports elastic materials.
Installation time: 20 minutes.
Difficulty: ★★★☆☆
Tutorial video (turn on English captions)
After you complete the hardware upgrade, please replug the machine and update your FLUX Studio to 0.7.4 or up, machine firmware to 1.6.40 or up.
Go to Preference > Machine > choose your device > scroll to the bottom and enable Upgrade Kits Extruder.
2. Camera Kit
Extends the monitoring area to up to 7 inches (18 cm).
Installation time: 5 minutes.
Difficulty: ★☆☆☆☆
Tutorial video (turn on English captions)
After you complete the hardware upgrade, please replug the machine and update your FLUX Studio to 0.7.4 or up, machine firmware to 1.6.40 or up.
Go to Preference > Machine > choose your device > scroll to the bottom and enable Upgrade Kits Camera.
3. Magnetic Print Plate
No more glue! Place the magnetic print plate on the metal base plate. The plate will improve the adhesion significantly. Simply peel the prints off when the task is done.
4. Metal Printing Toolhead Base:
Prevents the filament from melting the toolhead.
Installation time: 5 minutes.
Difficulty: ★★☆☆☆
Tutorial video (turn on English captions)
5. FLUX Delta USB cable
With the USB cable you can build a wired connection to your machine, it also replaces the Micro USB cable. First, please update your FLUX Studio to 0.7.4 or up, machine firmware to 1.6.25 or up.
*With firmware 1.6.25, we implanted a movement test, if your 3rd party printing platform is too tall, please use the original print plate to pass the movement test.
6. Needle for Nozzle Cleaning
i. Open FLUX Studio, and choose "Device ", then click LOAD FILAMENT, and wait till the temperature reaches 220°C.
ii. Before the filament comes out, poke the nozzle from the bottom 3-5 times to the very end that the whole needle is inside. (be careful with the heat!)
iii. The head should be unclogged!
7. Oil Absorbing Foam on Magnetic Ball Joints
Prolongs the effect of the lubricant.
Installation time: 5 minutes.
Difficulty: ★★☆☆☆
Tutorial video (turn on English captions)
Refer to this article: Keep Everything Lubricated
8. Scanner Laser Poles Upgrade
Prevents the laser poles from popping out using a new magnetic mechanism.
Installation time: 30 minutes.
Difficulty: ★★★★★
Tutorial video (turn on English captions)
After the hardware upgrase, you will need to re-calibrate the laser beams, please refer to this article: Better Scan Results.
9. Toolhead Cable Holder
Stabiize the connection of the cable, prevents bad connection errors.
Installation time: 5 minutes.
Difficulty: ★☆☆☆☆
Tutorial video (turn on English captions)
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