若出現此警告視窗,可能是您還未建立與機器的Wi-Fi連線或是並沒有連結到網路,FLUX Studio將無法與FLUX裝置溝通。micro USB線的作用僅做為修改機器名稱、密碼與Wi-Fi設定之用。舊版此該錯誤顯示為:未偵測到 FLUX 裝置。
另一個可能性是您的網路環境,請確認電腦與FLUX Delta連結至同一網路,以及防火牆並沒有阻止flux_api.exe運作。
綠燈閃爍代表FLUX Delta正在連線中,若狀況持續可能是Wi-Fi訊號過弱或是密碼錯誤。可嘗試將機器移近路由器。
若綠燈恆亮,代表機器有成功連線。若仍出現錯誤訊息,請確認電腦與FLUX Delta處於同一網路,並依下方步驟檢查是否為防火牆問題。
If you set the wifi with micro-usb & FLUX Studio v0.3.0+
And still get this error - Make sure your firewall is running, reconnect wifi with your pc and restart FLUX Studio to see if it works. If not, there might be software conflicts like 3rd-party firewall or antivirus software.
If you set the wifi with USB Drive
And still get this error - Kindly find the IP Address of your FLUX Delta, the ip address displays in the DHCP Table in your router's control panel, and see if there is a raspberrypi device. To find where the DHCP table is, kindly google "DHCP table + Your router's model name". If you entered the IP and still nothing shows up, make sure your firewall is running, reconnect wifi with your pc and restart FLUX Studio to see if it works. If not, there might be software conflicts like 3rd-party firewall or antivirus software.
If your computer recently went to sleep
Note: When your computer wakes up from sleep mode and this error popped out, use command line to run "ipconfig /release & ipconfig /renew". In FLUX Studio v0.3.0+, you can enter the IP in Menu > File > Preferences in order to prevent this issue.
Conflicted softwares
It has been reported avast! and Killer Bandwidth Control are not supported with FLUX Studio.
若問題持續無法解決,可以參考 透過乙太網路線直接連接 FLUX Delta
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