There are two ways to operate beamo’s autofocus add-on:
1. Manual Probe mode
2. Software mode
Manual Probe Mode
Double-tap the button on the side of the add-on, while it is straightly on top of the desired material. This allows the probe of the add-on to automatically detect the height of the material.
Long-pressing the button on the side allows the laser head to go back to its origin.
Software Mode
1. Enabling Autofocus
To control the autofocus add-on in Beam Studio, and to switch heights in various layers, go to “Preferences” (Mac: Menu > Beam Studio > Preferences; Windows: Menu > Files > Preferences), and enable autofocus under the Add-on section.
Enabling or disabling autofocus targeted at single files can be achieved through: Menu > Edit > File Settings
Note: Only when beamo is installed with the autofocus add-on can this function be enabled.
2. Focus Adjustment (Setting the Height of Autofocus / Only available for beamo)
After enabling the autofocus add-on, in the layer’s laser parameter panel, an additional “Focus Adjustment” function can be found. In layers where “Focus Adjustment” is selected, controllable option “Object Height” will appear. Adjust the values in “Object Height” to control the height of the laser head when it is cutting in this particular layer. If not selected, the add-on will continue to use the same height as the beginning of the work.
3. Z Step (Only available for beamo)
When cutting thicker materials, some layers will run the same command more than once. In layers with “Focus Adjustment” enabled, when “Execute” is greater than 1, a controllable option “Z Step” will appear. This value controls how much the laser head degrades after commands in between layers, which is directed at cutting thicker objects.
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