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Preference => Editor => Bitmap Previewing Quality
What is Bitmap Previewing Quality?
The Bitmap Previewing Quality setting drop-down menu options are "Low" and "Normal" Beam Studio sets “Low” by default.
While the Bitmap Previewing Quality set as “Low”, Beam Studio will compress the image before import to the scene. It can reserve Beam Studio image modify performance.
Tips: It will not affect the engraving quality also, the Bitmap Previewing Quality set as “Low. " The Beam Studio will still use the original image to calculate the engraving path.
If the Bitmap Previewing Quality is set as “Normal.” The Beam Studio will not compress the image and it will display with original quality in the scene.
Notice: It will maybe affect the performance if the Bitmap Previewing Quality set is “Normal. " If the performance reduces, we recommend set the Bitmap Previewing Quality as “Low.”
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