Functional Location
Preference => Rastering (Scanning) => Speed Optimization
What is Speed Optimization?
The Speed Optimization setting drop-down menu options are "On" and "Off" Beam Studio sets “On” by default.
It will optimize the efficiency of the laser engraving when the Speed Optimization enable. Increase the speed and optimization of the gradient laser engraving quality.
Notice: If your engraving work spill over to outside, as the picture show. It would be the possibility that the laser head’s wire is damaged. There is a way to go around. Please turn off the Speed Optimization function, then resend the work. If these solutions are not helpful, please contact FLUX Support.
Beam Studio work file. | The engrave result of the laser head wire damage. |
Beam Studio work file. | The engrave result of the Speed Optimization is off. |
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