The reason for a laser failing to output can be complex. It could be caused by a declined laser tube, a broken laser power supply(Laser PSU), or system failure...etc.
Please follow the steps below to troubleshoot the issue.
Possible Causes
Step 1
Please check the video below and determine if the symptom is similar to your machine.
(If there is no laser output when the HEXA is running and making a loud cracking sound,
it indicates the tube is broken.)
Determine your result and the next action to take:
Step 1.1
Please check if your application is similar to the following descriptions.
- No laser output at low power rates of around 10%.
- The laser output is too strong at low power rates. (The Engraving result is too dark or becomes cutting, etc.)
Determine your result and the next action to take:
Step 2
Make sure the power rate and speed settings are correct in the software.
Determine your result and the next action to take:
Step 2.1
Double your power rate settings, start the task, and see if the laser outputs.
(For example, if your power rate is 15% originally, raise it to 30% and start the task.)
Determine your result and the next action to take:
Step 3
Turn off the machine.
Open the back lid and place a new double-layer tape on the first mirror.
If your machine has two magnets on the back cover, the cover has to be put back.
After placing the tape, please go to Step 3.1.
- Use a T8 screwdriver to unscrew the screws at the back of the machine, and the back cover can be removed afterward. (You can refer to the video that has the back cover opening clip.)
- Place the tape on the mirror to have an angle of 90 degrees against the beam.
- Close the back cover.
Step 3.1
Make 5 pulses and check if the tape has a burnt mark on it.
(Please refer to the examples to determine the result of the tape.)
A. Turn on the machine.
B. Close the lid.
C. Enter Maintain mode and wait til the homing process is done.
(Make sure the door icon is closed, or you won't be able to make a pulse.)
D. Find the Pulse button.
E. One press = one pulse, two presses = two pulses, and so on.
F. Check the tape
⚠︎ Please always make pulses when the door lid is closed.
Tape Result Examples
Good Example - Round and Strong |
Bad Example -
Determine your result and the next action to take:
Step 3.2
- Use a new tape on the first mirror.
For safety reasons, please set the power rate to x0.01 to ensure no pulses during your testing.
The door sensor is embedded in the chassis LED lights. Please see the video below to find it.
- The door sensor will have two LED lights in red, and they will always be ON.
- Place the cone spacers (magnets) close to both LED lights. The light should be "brighter" when it detects a magnet. When both LEDs detect magnets at the same time, a door-closed signal will be delivered to the system, and the icon on the panel will be changed.
- Once you have put the cone spacers in place, please close the door.
- Change the power rate setting back to x1.00, make sure the icon is closed,
and then make 5 pulses. (Please refer to the examples to determine the result of the tape.)
Determine your result and the next action to take:
Step 4
- Turn off the machine.
Remove the side cover by unscrewing these T8 screws and unplug the two USB extensions. (Refer to the diagram if your PCB board is not the same as the photo.)
- Unplug the laser control cable on the laser power supply.
- After unplugging the cable, go to Step 4.1.
Step 4.1
Please wear rubber gloves before the next action.
Turn on the machine. Press the laser force button twice or hold it for 1-2 seconds with a pen or pencil and check for laser output on the tape.
(Please refer to the examples to determine the result of the tape.)
Determine your result and the next action to take:
Step 5
- Replug the laser control cable.
- Turn on the machine and reset the machine to the factory.
Refer to the article, 5-30 Reset to Factory.
- After the reset, please go to Step 5.1.
Step 5.1
Use a new 2-layer tape and make 5 pulses to see if the tape has a burn mark.
(Please refer to the examples to determine the result of the tape.)
Determine your result and the next action to take:
Step 6
- Use a new 2-layer tape and put it on the first mirror.
- Raise the power rate to x1.5 and make 5 pulses to see if the burnt mark becomes stronger.
(Please refer to the examples to determine the result of the tape.)
Determine your result and the next action to take:
Contact Customer Support
Please follow the instructions in the link below to properly report an issue to your local reseller or FLUX support. [Contact Customer Service]
*The collected information, such as photos or videos that show the problem of your machine in this article,e will be necessary to be shared with the reseller or FLUX Support.
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